Friday 30 September 2011

what are some of the external factors that shaped french nationalism before or during the french revolution

There are many factors that shaped french nationalism during and before the french revolution. But for this blog i decided to focus on three. the three main most important factors that i belive started the french revolution Were the king's lack of leadership, the taxes given to the people of the 3rd class and what it what doing to the people and also. the famine.

the main reson that the french revolution started in the first place was because of the king's lack of leadership. From the begining of his reign even louis himself knew that he was not ready to take on his role as the king of france and i believe that the people did too. It wasn't until louis new taxes that tore the very people of france apart that people began to not trust him as a king and start to question absolute monarchy. Also aound the same time louis made probably one of the biggest mistakes he could have he called a national assembly. Basically by calling the assembly he told the people that still believed in him as a king that he is unable to run the nation of france by himself and that he needs help. It was because of this that the people of france questioned the king and began to want a change.this eventually leading up to louis own death during the reign of terror on the guillotine.

The second most important factor that contributed to the french revolution was. the taxes that oppressed only the third class and not the 1st and 2nd. the three taxes of lord tax, tidthe, and land tax, all created riots within France. this was because most of the third class was poor too begin with and because of the taxes applied by the king people were begining to starve they didn't have enough money to pay for food or shelter or didn't have any money at all. It was because that louis did not make the 1st and 2nd classes pay taxes that the people of france questioned whether or not louis should have this authority.

The final reason to why France began to struggle so severly was that there was a famine. people did not have enough money to pay for what food that was left. people in the 3rd class were killing and mugging people over the smallest portions of food. they had enough they were sitting there starving while they watched their lords feast on what left of the food and more. They could see that france needed a change. They were tired of louis reign as king and all of the taxes and all of the pain that came with him. so during the regn of terror they killed louis and tore down the bastille and began to change france however becoming the monster that they tried to get rid of. but as all this is happening france was still changing and becoming free and the people were gaining power. And soon they began to be able to get food and recover from the taxes that were from that deceased king.

Friday 16 September 2011

What are some understandings of a nation?

I am going to first start with explaining what are the understandings of a nation. the understandings of a nation are sort of like the categories that a nation can be classified into. there are linguistic, religous, geographic, ethinic, cultural, and political understandings of a nation and for anyone who dosen't know what the meaning of a nation is. A nation is a group of people who share similarties and cultures. What i am trying to get at is that the understandings are sort of like the similarties that people share. for example say a isolated country was suddenly intoduced to the rest of the world. most likely these people will not seperate from each other and go and try to lern about the outside world individually they would stick together because they know each other and they each share similiar beliefs and cultures. Without even knowing it those people have formed a nation because they share the same understandings of a nation.

In the picture that hopefully was able to load onto my blog I posted a picture of a catholic church to show another example of a nation. This specific nation shares a religous understanding.