Monday 24 October 2011

Tech connections 4
How have people reconciled Nationalist and Non-Nationalist loyalties?

Many disputes between nationalist and non-nationalist loyalties cannot be reconciled easily. For example the disputes between First nations and the European settlers that came to North America. First nations were quickly become known as savages to the new European settlers and were viewed as a problem that had to be fixed. These problems have lasted between both nations for over 300 years. Many of the problems between both nations still exist today including some of the treaties involved with the first nation’s tribes of North America. It is not truthful for me to say that Canada reconciled itself with the first nations because it would not be true.  Canada has however tried to reconcile itself with the first nations by allowing the first nations to have benefits that other Canadians do not have. However it has not really substituted itself for an actual apology, within the last seven years Steven harper has however apologized for the residential schools that affected the young first nations children within the 19th and 18th century.
                Sometimes I guess reconciling between two nations can be difficult to accomplish, for Canada it is almost impossible because we do not want to admit what we have done in the past and be reminded of that. However for some countries the most of an apology that we are able to give is benefits that will help better their future, in an effort to try and reconcile the past.  Lately however society has begun to mould together as both nations have become to live within both societies and problems are beginning to be reconciled even though it has taken a few centuries.  
                I can now see that Canada is however trying to give our country a better reputation and try and put things behind them. Also in a way Canada has become stronger from this and has grown to make everyone in Canada proud to live here. Even though there will probably be more problems that will have to be reconciled in Canada’s history like the Quebec referendum when Québec tried to separate from Canada. I believe that problems within Canada and with Canada’s associations with other countries will help going toward reconciling the past by striving for a better future.
                I believe that non-nationalist loyalties and nationalist loyalties can be reconciled and that things can be put right between two nations, I am sure that there are many more examples of reconciling nationalist loyalties within almost every nations past.  That is why governments want to reconcile themselves not because of guilt, well maybe but for a better future.

Thursday 6 October 2011

What choices have people made to Affirm nationalist loyaties? Tech connections 3

For my third post I Have chosen the topic of how to affirm national loyaties. For example you could be a supporter to team Canada or a Big believer in trying to prevent litter. All of these things represent a peice of who you are But what I am really talking about is that representing your  nation and being loyal to your nation could be as simple as wearing a canada tattoo or wearing a religous item these things show how you can be loyal to your nation.

Sometimes it can be difficult supporting a nation that isn't as well known as others for example many cultures have struggled to be known and it can be hard for them to represent a nation that isn't considered a part of their country like the first nations and different cultures that have come to Canada within the last twenty years. Affirming you loyalty to your nation could be really simple things like for example going to a school were similair beliefs are valued or languages it could even be something like as I said in the first paragraph just wearing a shirt or clothing or even speaking out or making yourself known that i am a pat of this nation.

It can be harder sometimes to Affirm your identity especially if your nation hasn't been recognized yet it's the little things that you do that help affirm your national Identity and help you realize the little things that make up who you are.