Monday 28 November 2011


what causes ultranationalism?
how does ultranationalism develop?
how have people responded to ultranationalism?

Ultranationalism means the extreme devotion to or advocacy of the interests of a nation, especially regardless of the effect on any other nations. this meaning that during a time of the countries weakest point (most commonly), and in some way the nation is able to unite for a common cause or collective consciousness, to achieve a certain goal however this can affect other nations like the jewish people during WWII, but because of the great sense of Ultranationalism they are blinded to what is really going on.
Ultranationalism develops in many way it is most commonly developed through political and financial unrest throughout a nation, an example of this was when Germany was just coming out of their great depression, Hitler used the little bit of hatred that germany still had against the other nations to unite the people to His own cause and start WWII.

people have responded to ultranationalism in many ways, but really it depends on which side your on, in the united states they were worried that the sudden nationalism was becoming Ultranationalism and germany was plotting to achieve another W, but on the other side in germany it united the people, it brought poeple to believe in their country and try to strive to once again get germany back on top and become a world leader. However this in the end backfired and brought germany down even further than it was.

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Chapter 5 vocab

For the chapter 5 tech connections vocab I will be giving the definition of the word and an example of the world as well as explaning how the example relates to the definition.

National interest: is the interest of the state usually defined by it's government

 this exaple relates to the definition of national interest in a few ways one the people in this picture are expressing that the views made by their government about climate change are wrong and that the actual National interest is they want to stop climate change and go to efforts to prevent climate change. nationa interest includes all the people of a nation or at least the majority or at least it should.

Peacekeepers:allowing armed forces who maintain peace by keeping enemies apartuntill the crisis can be solved.

 this picture is an example of the armed forces that have to be sent into situations that require enemies to be split apart or seperated till a solution arises, this however can sometimes be achieved through the use of force.

Peacemaking: allowing armed forces that were originally sent to maintain peace to use their forces for means other than self-defense

example: when the united states of america sent a team to capture osama-bin-laden but ended up taking him out, this was after they had sent in peacekeepers to help sepertate the two enemies , they eventually had to end up using the force that was originally meant for self defence for offense.

Policy: a plan of action deliberatly placed to help guide future decisions

this picture is just a funny way of showing what a policy is, basically it is a set of rules that are made to be followed that influence future events.

Foriegn policy: a plan of action that guides the government about it's official relations with other countries, also called foriegn affairs.

example: tradings goods and resources between countries or discussings deals or political  negotiations.

Domestic policy: a plan of action that guides the governments decisions about what to do within it's country.
this example really relates to the definition of domestic policy, it has to do with the policies within a country like for example you cannot vote untill you reach the age of 18 and are a canadian citizen.

Gross domestic product: the value of goods and services produced in a country in a year.
example: the oil industry

this relates to the topic because the oil corporations after every year calculate their GDP in order to figure out how to increse profits and become more efficient, basically the same as governments.